Latest issue - March 2025


Please note that these only date back to the creation of the website in February 2020 due to the pandemic. 




Merton Parish Council Update

We very much hope you all managed to enjoy the festive season despite the restrictions and caveats in place. Here’s to a much better 2021!

Not much to report here other than to remind parishioners that the first Parish Council Meeting of 2021 takes place on Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 6p.m.; dependent on whether this newsletter hits the doormat before this date, of course 12 please feel free to email me on for an invitation passcode to the virtual meeting.

Other than this, Agendas and Minutes will be posted online for your reference.

The only other matter to highlight is:


Census day is 21 March 2021 and taking part is a legal requirement. This exercise gathers essential information that affects our communities such as in helping to plan and fund services like housing, education and healthcare. The website has information. There will also be part time temporary jobs available at

Happy New Year from all at Merton Parish Council Vick Turner Clerk to Merton Parish Council

News from St. Peter’s Church

It is a great relief to have all the Nave Roof and other works at the church now finished and once again fully waterproof, especially with all the rain we have had during recent weeks! All furnishings are back in place within the church and there is a welcome for anyone who wishes to spend a while there for private prayer.

Please remember though that Covid precautions need to be observed. Access can easily be arranged by contacting one of the key holders. Contact telephone numbers are displayed in the church porch. Come the New Year we will hope to resume some Sunday Services again. This is currently being discussed with the necessary persons.

Now that all the Major building works are complete we are looking towards plans for Stage Two of our NHLF Project which is the installation of a Kitchenette and the supply of mains water to the Church. For those who may have visited the Church or Churchyard during the Christmas Season the PCC hope you enjoyed the Christmas Themed flower displays in the Entrance porch.

Meanwhile, we wish everyone a Peaceful and Healthy New Year.


Carole Haggett (Churchwarden)


Merton Parish Council Update

At the time of writing, we are in midst of a second lock-down period. With no Parish Council meeting until the New Year, we would just like to remind parishioners that if anyone needs any help or support over the next few weeks, please don’t hesitate to contact us either through the clerking email which is or by calling either of our two volunteer Councillors who will be happy to help in any way they can: Louise Hyde on 01953 889419 Jayne Wesley-Smith on 01953 881919

Just to confirm our next Parish Council Meeting will take place via remote platform ‘Zoom’ on Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 6p.m. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for a link invitation if you would like to attend. All warmly welcome.

All that remains is for me to wish you all the best for a happy and healthy Christmas and a peaceful New Year – from all at Merton Parish Council. Vick Turner Clerk to Merton Parish Council


Merton Parish Council Update

Dear All Hope you are all keeping well in these strange times that sadly continue for us all. At our last meeting in September, a more proactive strategy to tackle local flooding issue was discussed and your Councillors continue to advocate and intervene wherever possible on these matters. However, the more reports are made, hopefully this might mean better outcomes.

To this end, I have detailed below links for residents to use if they unfortunately find the need to have to report a flooding incident:

Overflows/Statutory Nuisances caused by drains/cesspools/septic tanks: Please notify Breckland council at Please provide as much information as possible including uploading supporting documents/photos. If you don’t have internet access, please call 01362 656870.

Issues relating to publicly owned drainage sewers: Please notify Issues relating to ditches/non-emergency flooding issues: Please contact Norfolk County Council Floods at: management

The next Parish Council meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 6p.m., once again, via Zoom, so anyone wishing to attend this meeting, is most welcome to contact me for a link at In the meantime, please stay warm and well. Best wishes Vicky Turner Clerk – on behalf of Merton Parish Council

News from St. Peter’s Church

Many congratulations to Joan Matthews for her fantastic achievement of raising a final total of £725.00 for the Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride which took place on 12th September. This year in particular, with the Corona 12Virus affecting so many activities and people, such a superb result is especially heart-warming and huge thanks are extended to all those kind and most generous folk from within Merton village and others round about for their support and donations. Joan, together with her sister, cycled a total of 20 churches in all on the day and the result of raising such an excellent amount of money, 50% of which will be paid direct to Merton Church and the other 50% to the continued work of Norfolk Churches Trust, is indeed a very gratifying result. Thank you again, Joan, for all that hard work!

This month there is also good news that the church is at last back in use and fully furnished after its lengthy closure for the Nave Roof repair and other associated works. It has been closed for almost a year, but now with the re-opening both the PCC and many others in the village are in no doubt that the finished result is quite outstanding. The craftsmanship and sustained workmanship undertaken by Eastern Foundry Lead Ltd, who were awarded the contract, are to be highly commended by everyone . It is hoped that, in due course, services will be resumed following local discussion and a PCC meeting. More detail to follow later when available.

Carole Haggett on behalf of St. Peter’s PCC


From Merton Parish Council Dear All, Hope that you are all keeping well and enjoying the late summer sunshine, at the time of writing anyway! Nothing much to report after the Summer recess. We held our regular September meeting via Zoom on Tuesday 8th September. In terms of update regarding holding physical meetings, NALC have advised us that whilst the government’s full guidance is still awaited, the recent reduction in the number of people allowed to meet together socially from 30 to 6, impacts on us meeting at the Church or any other venue at present. Typically, local council activities are gatherings for work purposes (for face to face meetings) but the impact on public attendance is problematic, and therefore in the interest of the health and safety of all, the meetings will continue remotely for the foreseeable future. Finally, a huge thank you, again, to Louise and Andrew Hyde for offering to makegood he damaged window at the Village Hall. If you need to make contact with the Parish Council, please don’t hesitate to email us on

Stay Safe. Vicky Turner Merton Parish Clerk

Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride

Another perfect day for the bike ride this year, dry and partly sunny but not too hot. My sister joined me, and we headed off to the north of Watton – our furthest point was Necton. We covered just under 40 miles and visited 20 churches/chapels, lovely buildings in some beautiful settings. Not surprisingly, most of the churches were unmanned this year and it was a less sociable event than usual, but we met several other people who were cycling for the Norfolk Churches Trust. The final total for the money raised will be in next month’s Waylander. So far it comes to just over £600 – a big thankyou to everyone in the village who has upported this so generously, even in these difficult times. If anyone wants to make a last-minute donation, this is still possible at Joan Matthews

Litter Pick, October 24th

Volunteers from Merton will be collecting up litter in and around the village on the morning of Saturday October 24th.Thompson will be carrying out their regular litterpick at the same time, and are kindly disposing of the bags of rubbish collected, and supplying grabs, gloves, bin bags and high-vis jackets. If you would like to help, meet at the bus shelter on the Green at 10a.m.

Joan Matthews


Merton Parish Council

We are still under guidance from our Local Council Advisory body to continue for the foreseeable future with remote meetings; some councils are phasing in physical meetings again with social distancing measures in place, but Merton for the moment, will continue to follow national recommendations for the continuing safety of its residents.

The next meeting is due to take place on 8th September at 6p.m. so anyone wishing to take part in that via the remote medium of Zoom, is most welcome to contact me for a link at In the meantime, please stay well and we all look forward to seeing you soon either through the mode of the internet or hopefully in person once again soon!

Vicky Turner Clerk – on behalf of Merton Parish Council

Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Bike Ride

The cycle ride will be taking place again this year, on Saturday 12th September, though some arrangements may be rather different from previous years, due to coronavirus regulations.

As the Norfolk Churches Trust say: “We are very aware that churches have sadly had to cancel their summer fundraising activities and so the Bike Ride could be a great opportunity to raise some much needed funds for churches and the Norfolk Churches Trust…

The Bike Ride is an ideal opportunity to get out and about in the fresh air on a bicycle, on foot or in a car. It’s a great family day out, and as we have noticed, many people have enjoyed walking and cycling over the last few weeks! We hope that they can join in the bike ride and enjoy visiting and exploring our wonderful places of worship on the 12th September, and help raise some money at the same time.”

I will be cycling again to raise money for Merton church, and so I will be coming round the village with my sponsor form, hoping for your support! But if you would like to make a donation without having to answer the door, it is now possible to donate online by going to churchestrust But PLEASE NOTE: there is an option just before you confirm the payment to “Add a message of support” – please add a message saying that you are making the donation as Bike Ride sponsorship for Merton Church.

If anyone else would like to cycle – or walk, or drive – for Merton, please contact me and I can give you full details, sponsor forms etc.

More about the Norfolk Churches Trust, and the Bike Ride, can be found at

Joan Matthews

Norfolk Churches Trust Annual Cycle Ride

Saturday 12th September

This event will be taking place as usual, but due to Coronavirus infection precautions it is necessary to have one or two different arrangements in place at St. Peter’s Church.

1. The church will be not be manned, but signing in facilities for visiting cyclists will be on display in the church porch.

2. Hand Sanitising equipment will be available for use by those visiting.

3. Unlike other years there will be NO refreshments or drinks on offer this year.

The PCC sincerely hope that as many people as possible will feel able to support this event either by cycling, walking or riding or otherwise generously donating to Sponsor a cyclist in order to help keeping our church in Merton thriving.

We are delighted that the church Roof and 11 other building works are now complete due to a large grant from the National Heritage Lottery Fund, Norfolk Churches Trust, and several other grants from smaller bodies together with many very generous gifts from individual persons locally.

Hopefully, now the church will soon be open and back in full use for services as and when the current Coronavirus restrictions permit. Meanwhile, please do continue to support St. Peter’s Church in whatever ways you possibly can this, as always, is much appreciated.

Carole Haggett on behalf of St. Peter’s PCC


Merton Parish Council Update

Dear All

Can’t believe it’s August already – where has this year gone? Merton Parish Council hopes that you are all well and have managed to emerge from these strange times relatively unscathed.

Not much has happened since the last edition in Parish Council world other than we have successfully undertaken the Internal Audit process and the Annual Governance Accounting Audit with the External Auditor – my first time so somewhat nerve-wracking from that angle – but collectively, it was a relatively painless experience and I am pleased to report that Merton has passed with ‘flying colours’ with only a few minor adjustments recommended in the Internal Audit and all approved and rubber-stamped by the External Auditor.

All done for another year!

Well done to Merton Cllrs for unning a tight ship.

We are still under guidance from our Local Council Advisory body to continue for the foreseeable future with remote meetings; some councils are phasing in physical meetings again with social distancing measures in place, but Merton for the moment, will continue to follow national recommendations for the continuing safety of its residents.

The next meeting is due to take place on 8th September at 6p.m. so anyone wishing to take part in that via the remote medium of Zoom, is most welcome to contact me for a link at

In the meantime, please stay well and we all look forward to seeing you soon either through the mode of the internet or hopefully in person once again soon!

Vicky Turner Clerk – on behalf of Merton Parish Council

Age UK is still available to offer great support throughout our region:

Age UK Norfolk Information and Advice Helpline:T 0300 500 1217 Open 10a.m.–4p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 10a.m.–1p.m. Tuesday and Thursday (this is currently a call back service) E

 Age UK Norfolk Telephone Befriending Service: T 01603 785 223 E

JULY 2020

Merton Parish Council Update

Dear All Just to confirm we have now managed to complete two Parish Council meetings on Zoom most successfully, so we are more than content to carry on with this safer format for the foreseeable future, which is the Local Government recommendation. This of course, will be reviewed again once we are instructed to do so. We are also thrilled to announce the cooption of Stephen Mouser to our Committee; so good to have him on board and Councillors are pleased that we are again a full complement after the retirement of long-serving Councillor, Madge Macro.

Our next meeting is not scheduled until 8th September so there’s plenty of time for residents to get in touch if there is anything they would like considered for the Agenda for the early Autumn. Finally, a huge thank you to Louise and Andrew Hyde for repairing and refurbishing the village noticeboard – we are so grateful to you both.

If you need to make contact with the Parish Council, please don’t hesitate to email us on

Stay Safe
Vicky Turner
Merton Parish Clerk

Merton PCC
St. Peter's Church

The building work at St. Peters has been completed and the scaffolding removed and we hope to be able to open again very soon. Should you wish to use St. Peter's for private prayer please do not hesitate to contact Carol Haggett 01953 483526 or another member of our church team, contact details available in the church porch.
JUNE 2020 

Merton Parish Council Update

Merton Parish Council will continue to discharge its core responsibilities and in light of the recent Government legislation shared last month, The Corona Virus Act 2020, up until 7th May 2021, Parish Council meetings could potentially be held remotely whilst the dangers of holding a physical meeting continues. Merton’s Standing Orders are suspended with immediate effect and the Parish Council will adopt the practice dictated by this statutory guidance. 

Regular Parish Council Meetings will take place on scheduled dates where possible. Please note that our first virtual Parish Council Meeting was held on Tuesday 19th May and the Minutes from that meeting can be found on the parish website and on the Village Noticeboard which will detail the date of the next meeting. As always, the public will be permitted to access our meetings, at the moment, remotely, and information regarding how to do so can be obtained from the Clerk on the email address below. For further information please email the Clerk at
COVID-19 – Coronavirus Parish Council Update

Advice on what do in the case of COVID19 (coronavirus).  Our most vulnerable residents are being encouraged to get the help they need by calling Norfolk County Council on  0344 8008020 or visiting

If you are in need of essential supplies such as food or medicine, or just a welfare check, please contact Breckland’s Community Support Hub via Individuals who want to help Breckland’s Community Support Hub can register their interest at: home-2/volunteering-2/register-to- volunteer-2/

Age UK also offer great support networks throughout the region:
Age UK Norfolk Information and Advice Helpline: T 0300 500 1217
Open 10a.m.–4a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 10a.m.–1a.m. Tuesday and Thursday (this is currently a call back service)
Age UK Norfolk Telephone Befriending Service:
T 01603 785 223
Likewise, Merton Parish Councillors are here to support the community and offer help where villagers are having to self-isolate and need assistance. If you feel you would like more help in accessing support, then please do contact Jayne Wesley-Smith on 01953 881919 or Louise Hyde on 01953 889419 who will be pleased to help you wherever possible. Merton Parish Council wishes you all continued good health and looks forward to supporting you in any way it can.

Vicky Turner, Parish Clerk

MAY 2020

Merton Parish Council Update

Merton Parish Council will continue to discharge its core responsibilities and in light of the recent Government legislation shared earlier this month, The Corona Virus Act 2020, up until 7th May 2021, Parish Council meetings will be held remotely whilst the dangers of holding a physical meeting continues. Merton’s Standing Orders are suspended with immediate effect and the Parish Council will adopt the practice dictated by this statutory guidance. Regular Parish Council Meetings will take place on dates to be announced shortly.

Please watch the parish website for information regarding dates as well as on the Parish Council notice boards. Agendas will be published ahead of any meetings. The public will be permitted to access these meetings remotely and information regarding how to do so will be circulated once a meeting is scheduled.

Please note that the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish originally planned for 19th May 2020 has been CANCELLED. For further information please email the Clerk at

Merton Parish Council wishes you all continued good health and looks forward to supporting you in any way it can.
COVID-19 – Coronavirus Parish Council Update

Advice on what do in the case of COVID19 (coronavirus). Our most vulnerable residents are being encouraged to get the help they need  by calling Norfolk County Council on  0344 8008020 or visiting

If you are in need of essential supplies such as food or medicine, or just a welfare check, please contact Breckland‘s Community Support Hub via

Individuals who want to help Breckland’s Community Support Hub can register their interest at: volunteering-2/register-to-volunteer-2/
Age UK also offer great support networks throughout the region:

Age UK Norfolk Information and Advice Helpline: T 0300 500 1217
Open 10a.m.–4p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 10a.m. – 1p.m. Tuesday and Thursday (this is currently a call back service)
Age UK Norfolk Telephone Befriending Service: T 01603 785 223

Likewise, Merton Parish Councillors are here to support the community and offer help where villagers are having to self isolate and need assistance. If you feel you would like more help in accessing support, then please do contact Jayne Wesley-Smith on 01953 881919 or Louise Hyde on 01953 889419 who will be pleased to help you wherever possible.
Vicky Turner, Parish Clerk


Litter pick 
Unfortunately the litter pick planned for Saturday 4th April is cancelled due to the Corona Virus restrictions.  However, if you would like to take a rubbish bag and pair of gloves with you on your daily exercise walk and pick up any litter you see as you go please do. Any litter collected will need to be disposed of in your household (green) bin. 

St. Peter’s Church Update We are not quite there yet!

Due to the discovery of additional work needing to be done on some of the Nave roof timbers, completion of the re-roofing has been delayed. Therefore, Services will not be taking place during April, but hopefully May will bring better news!
Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, the APCM date is uncertain and any PCC meetings planned for April and May may have to be postponed pending Government advice.
St. Peter’s Merton PCC
The Breckland Birder

As a passionate birder and conservationist I would like to share with and to let you know that I spend much time enjoying the very valuable wildlife habitat around the lovely village of Merton. Over the years I have witnessed a variety of both migratory birds, as well as resident species using the village for breeding, feeding and roosting.

Of particular interest is the Tree Sparrow population on the village hall site. The Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) is sadly a very rare bird in the UK with small pockets of populations scattered at just a few locations around the country. We here in Norfolk, and indeed in Merton, hold a significant percentage of birds, a species which is afforded full protection and listed as a Schedule 1 species. Tree Sparrows nest in holes in trees, within buildings and will utilise nest boxes. Nesting has occurred in the gable end of the current village hall.

As well as the endangered Tree Sparrow, the village hall site offers a valuable home to a variety of both migratory and resident bird species. The magnificent hawthorns and sprawling scrub around the car park is home to some notable summer migrants which breed in this habitat. These include Whitethroats, Lesser Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Chiffchaff, along with these species, the habitat also provides excellent feeding for winter migrants, namely Redwings and Fieldfare. I have also found scarce migrants here including Ring Ouzel. Resident species include House Sparrow (endangered), Starlings, Greenfinch (declining), Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Bullfinch, to name just a few.

Clearly, Merton village offers a wealth of important habitats and is important to our local bird populations. Birds have suffered hugely locally in recent years due to habitat destruction and unprecedented house building etc.,
Paul Newport, The Breckland Birder

Merton Parish Council Meeting
Parish Council meetings planned for forthcoming months may have to be postponed upon receipt of further guidance from Central Government – please see websites and noticeboard for updates.
The Parish Council sends its very best wishes and hopes all parishioners remain well.
Vicky Turner, Parish Clerk 

To find news for all the villages go to the home page and click on the news icon at the bottom right of the page, or click here to go straight to it. 

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